Customize your program
with up to 3 of the 13 mentions according to your interests

4 branches of specialty:
Digital, Innovation, Humanities and Management

4 new labs
of Digital Business for collaborative and digital teaching at all sites

Florida International University (FIU)
Double international degree with one of the 6 most prestigious public universities in the United States.


About Administration

The new educational model of the Administration program is based on flexibility and versatility for you to decide what, how and when to learn. That way, you will be able to customize your program and lay out your path to building your own professional profile.

The program curriculum consists of 4 areas of specialty: Digital, Innovation, Management and Humanities. Since the first year, you will be able to add a personal touch to your program, choosing up to 3 of the 13 mentions from one or different areas to specialize in the knowledge and tools that will lead you to take on the challenges of current changing business environments.
You will become a professional who is a conscious, visionary, upstanding, innovative and resilient leader with a global vision and purpose, so as to undertake or operate companies with responsibility and solidarity in order to build a better world.

What degree will you obtain?

Bachelor of Administration

What will the duration be?

10 academic terms in 5 years

Where will you be able to study?

Villa Campus, San Miguel Campus, Monterrico Campus, San Isidro Campus

Area of Application

After studying Administration at UPC, you will be able to perform at a national and international level as a:

  • CEO of your own company
  • Innovation manager in companies and family businesses
  • Project manager in public, private and non-governmental organizations
  • Manager of business transformation areas
  • Commercial manager
  • Operations and logistics manager
  • Finance manager

Customize your program, create your own professional profile and graduate with up to 3 different mentions


Mentions. Choose your future and specialize in the Digital, Innovation, Management and Humanities areas


new labs of Digital Business for a new collaborative and digital teaching methodology at all campuses

TOP 100

International triple degree with The University of Arizona, top 100 university in the world


Cursos Obligatorios

    Gestión de organizaciones conscientes

    Análisis cuantitativo


    Gestión de recursos financieros

    Toma de decisiones

    Investigación y manejo de información






  • Fundamentos de Administración en la Globalización
  • Ética y Ciudadanía
  • Fundamentos para el Cálculo
  • Comprensión y Producción de Lenguaje I
  • Informática para Negocios en Entornos Digitales
  • Comprensión y Producción de Lenguaje II
  • Cálculo
  • Fundamentos de las Finanzas
  • Análisis de la Realidad Peruana y Global
  • Electivo 1
  • Electivo 2

  • Transformación digital (Menciones)
  • Historia del desarrollo empresarial (Menciones)
  • Introducción a la Contabilidad Financiera
  • Fundamentos de la Investigación Académica
  • Estadística Descriptiva
  • Marketing
  • Electivo 3
  • Electivo 4

  • Data Science (Menciones)
  • Organizaciones y Cultura (Menciones)
  • Matemática Financiera
  • Estadística Inferencial
  • Gestión del Capital Humano Global
  • Gerencia y Liderazgo
  • Macroeconomía
  • Electivo 5

  • Strategic Business Analytics (Menciones)
  • Marketing Estratégico (Menciones)
  • Diseño Organizacional y Procesos
  • Métodos Cuantitativos para Administración
  • Introducción a la Contabilidad Gerencial
  • Derecho Empresarial y Financiero
  • Teoría Microeconómica
  • Electivo 6

  • Marketing Digital (Menciones)
  • Economía para las decisiones generacionales (Menciones)
  • Administración de Operaciones
  • Finanzas Corporativas
  • Análisis e Interpretación de Estados Financieros
  • Investigación de Mercados
  • Economía Empresarial
  • Electivo 7

  • Gobierno y Gestión de empresas familiares (Menciones)
  • Administración de la Cadena de Suministros
  • Comunicación para el Liderazgo
  • Comportamiento Organizacional
  • Comportamiento del Consumidor
  • Liderazgo y Estrategias de Negociación
  • Ciencias de la Conducta
  • Electivo 8

  • Emprendimiento y liderazgo de equipos innovadores (Menciones)
  • Gestión de Proyectos
  • Sistemas de Información en Entornos Digitales
  • Evaluación de Proyectos
  • Estrategias y Tácticas de Precios
  • Electivo 9
  • Electivo 10
  • Electivo 11

  • Global Management (Menciones)
  • Gerencia Estratégica en Organizaciones Conscientes
  • Metodología de la Investigación
  • Administración Pública
  • Business Analytics
  • Electivo 12
  • Electivo 13

  • Ética Aplicada y responsabilidad profesional (Menciones)
  • Ética y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial
  • Seminario de Tesis
  • Innovación, Transformación y Emprendimiento
  • Taller de Toma de Decisiones Gerenciales
  • Electivo 14
  • Electivo 15

  • Filosofía (Menciones)

Why study Administration at UPC?

UPC evolves and strives to offer the best for its students.

Customize your program

Your curriculum empowers you to choose what you want to learn. Graduate as a Bachelor of Administration with 3 mentions you will be able to choose according to your interest in any of these areas of specialty: Digital, Innovation, Humanities and Management.

A broad portfolio of more than 10 mentions to choose

• Digital: Data Science, Digital Transformation, Digital Marketing, Strategic Business Analytics
• Innovation: Governance and Management of Family Businesses, Entrepreneurships and Innovative Teams Leadership
• Innovation: Governance and Management of Family Businesses, Entrepreneurships and Innovative Teams Leadership
• Management: History of Business Development, Organizations and Culture, Strategic Marketing, Economics for Managerial Decisions

4 new Digital Business labs

Thanks to our new modern labs at all campuses, you will experience a different collaborative and digital teaching methodology as of your first semester.

Business employability fair "Listo para el éxito" (Ready for Success)

You will participate in workshops to design your curriculum and we will help you connect with the best companies in the market.

The University of Arizona, top 100 university in the world

Study at UPC and graduate from a top 100 university in the world.* Thanks to this alliance, you will obtain up to 3 academic degrees: (1) Bachelor's degree of UPC, (2) Bachelor’s degree and (3) Master’s degree of University of Arizona. *The CWUR World University rankings 2018-2019

International Experience

You will be able to participate in different exchange and double-degree programs to pursue your senior year at Florida International University (United States) or Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain), and obtain a double degree on behalf of those institutions and UPC.

Strategic alliances for pre-professional internships

Our strategic allies include Scotiabank, Backus, the Stock Exchange, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Peruvian Family Business Association (Asociación de Empresas Familiares, AEF).


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among
the following options:

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The University of Arizona (United States)


Florida International University (United States)


Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain)

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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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