We have several agreements, with the aim to develop and strengthen an academic and cultural exchange in our programs.
UPC is a member of Laureate International Universities, the largest private university network in the world. Because of this, you have the opportunity to participate in exchange programs with more than 30 educational institutions.
Complete your program and obtain a double degree:
DG1: Walden University | Estados Unidos |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
International Exchange Agreements:
Study one or two terms abroad.
Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Germany |
BITS (Iserlohn) | Germany |
International School of Management (ISM) | Germany |
DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden - Wurttenmberg | Germany |
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Germany |
Uniítalo - Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro | Brazil |
UNIFABE | Brazil |
Universidad Federal Fluminense | Brazil |
Faculdade Dos Guararapes | Brazil |
Uninorte | Brazil |
Uniritter | Brazil |
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Brazil |
Universidade Potiguar | Brazil |
Universidade Salvador | Brazil |
University of Alberta | Canada |
Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile |
Universidad de las Américas | Chile |
Universidad Viña del Mar | Chile |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | China |
Zhejiang International Studies University | China |
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente | Colombia |
Universidad de las Américas | Ecuador |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Tenerife) | Spain |
CEU Cardenal Herrera University | Spain |
IE University | Spain |
Universidad Miguel Hernandez- Elche | Spain |
Nazareth College | United States |
UTICA College | United States |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
IPAG Business School In France | France |
ISC Paris Business School | France |
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | France |
Universitè; Catholiquè de Lille | France |
Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) | Honduras |
Universidad de Colima | Mexico |
Universidad de Monterrey | Mexico |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos | Mexico |
Universidad del Valle de México | Mexico |
Universidad Interamericana | Panama |
Alianza del Pacifico (Scholarship Program "Pronabec") | Peru |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón | Puerto Rico |
Universidad Earth - Escuela de Agricultura de la Región Tropical Húmeda | Puerto Rico |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
UNAPEC | Dominican Republic |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Study one or two terms abroad, paying the tuition from the university you will visit:
BITS | Germany |
Kendall College | United States |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Short Programs or Summer Courses:
Iacocca Institute of Lehigh University | United States |
Kendall College | United States |
Nazareth College | United States |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design | United States |
University of California (Irvine) | United States |
University of California (Riverside) | United States |
University of California (San Diego) | United States |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
In addition to other study and business trips organized each term by the School of Business.
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
EAE | Spain |
IE Business School | Spain |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Complete your program and obtain a double degree:
DD1: Walden University | United States |
DD2: Florida International University (FIU) | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
International Exchange Agreements:
Study one or two terms abroad.
Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Germany |
BITS (Iserlohn) | Germany |
International School of Management (ISM) | Germany |
DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden - Wurttenmberg | Germany |
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Germany |
Uniítalo - Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro | Brazil |
UNIFABE | Brazil |
Faculdade Dos Guararapes | Brazil |
Universidad Federal Fluminense | Brazil |
Uninorte | Brazil |
Uniritter | Brazil |
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Brazil |
Universidade Potiguar | Brazil |
Universidade Salvador | Brazil |
University of Alberta | Canada |
McGill Univeristy | Canada |
Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile |
Universidad de las Américas | Chile |
Universidad Viña del Mar | Chile |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | China |
Zhejiang International Studies University | China |
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente | Colombia |
Universidad Latina | Costa Rica |
Universidad de las Américas | Ecuador |
CEU Cardenal Herrera University | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Tenerife) | Spain |
IE University | Spain |
Universidad Miguel Hernandez- Elche | Spain |
Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Nazareth College | United States |
UTICA College | United States |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
IPAG Business School In France | France |
EBS European Business School | France |
Universitè; Catholiquè de Lille | France |
ISC Paris Business School | France |
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | France |
Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) | Honduras |
Budapest Metropolitan University | Hungary |
The University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
Universidad de Colima | Mexico |
Universidad de Monterrey | Mexico |
Universidad La Salle Laguna | Mexico |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos | Mexico |
Universidad del Valle de México | Mexico |
Universidad Interamericana | Panama |
Alianza del Pacifico (Scholarship Program "Pronabec") | Peru |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón | Puerto Rico |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
UNAPEC | Dominican Republic |
EU Business School | Switzerland |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Short programs or summer courses:
Iacocca Institute of Lehigh University | United States |
Kendall College | United States |
Nazareth College | United States |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design | United States |
University of California (Irvine) | United States |
University of California (Riverside) | United States |
University of California (San Diego) | United States |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
In addition to other study and business trips organized each term by the School of Business.
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
EAE | Spain |
IE Business School | Spain |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Además de otros diversos viajes de negocios y estudios organizados cada ciclo por la misma Facultad de Negocios.
DD1: Florida International University (FIU) | United States |
DD1: Walden University | United States |
DD2: Florida International University (FIU) | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
International Exchange Agreements:
Study one or two terms abroad.
BITS (Iserlohn) | Germany |
International School of Management (ISM) | Germany |
DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden - Wurttenmberg | Germany |
Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Germany |
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Germany |
BSP Business School Berlin - Postdam | Germany |
Unitalo - Centro Universitario Italo Brasilero | Brazil |
Universidad Federal Fluminense | Brazil |
Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba | Brazil |
Faculdade Dos Guararapes | Brazil |
UNIFABE | Brazil |
Uninorte | Brazil |
Uniritter | Brazil |
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Brazil |
Universidade Potiguar | Brazil |
Universidade Salvador | Brazil |
University of Alberta | Canada |
Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile |
Universidad de las Américas | Chile |
Universidad Viña del Mar | Chile |
Zhejiang International Studies University | China |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | China |
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente | Colombia |
Universidad Latina | Costa Rica |
Universidad de las Américas | Ecuador |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Tenerife) | Spain |
IE University | Spain |
CEU Universidad Cardenal Herrera | Spain |
Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya | Spain |
Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Universidad Miguel Hernandez- Elche | Spain |
Nazareth College | United States |
UTICA College | United States |
Istambul Bilgi Universit | Istanbul |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
IPAG Business School In France | France |
Universitè; Catholiquè de Lille | France |
EBS European Business School | France |
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | France |
ISC Paris School Of Management | France |
Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) | Honduras |
Budapest Metropolitan University | Hungary |
The University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
Universidad de Colima | Mexico |
Universidad de Monterrey | Mexico |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos | Mexico |
Universidad del Valle de México | Mexico |
Universidad Interamericana | Panama |
Alianza del Pacifico (Scholarship Program "Pronabec") | Peru |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón | Puerto Rico |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
UNAPEC | Republic of Panama |
Stockholm University | Sweden |
EU Business School | Switzerland |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
ACADEMIC MISSIONSIacocca Institute of Lehigh University | United States |
Kendall College | United States |
Nazareth College | United States |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design | United States |
University of California (Irvine) | United States |
University of California (Riverside) | United States |
University of California (San Diego) | United States |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice
In addition to other study and business trips organized each term by the School of Business.
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
EAE | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
IE- Instituto de Empresa | Spain |
University of California (Riverside) | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Complete your program and obtain a double degree
DD1: Walden University | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
International Exchange Agreements:
Study one or two terms abroad.
BITS (Iserlohn) | Germany |
International School of Management (ISM) | Germany |
DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden - Wurttenmberg | Germany |
Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Germany |
EBC Hochschule | Germany |
Bucerius Law School | Germany |
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Germany |
BSP Business School Berlin - Postdam | Germany |
UNIFABE | Brazil |
Universidad Federal Fluminense | Brazil |
Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba | Brazil |
Faculdade Dos Guararapes | Brazil |
Uninorte | Brazil |
Uniritter | Brazil |
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Brazil |
Universidade Potiguar | Brazil |
Universidade Salvador | Brazil |
University of Alberta | Canada |
Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile |
Universidad de las Américas | Chile |
Universidad Viña del Mar | Chile |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | China |
Zhejiang International Studies University | China |
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente | Colombia |
Universidad de las Américas | Ecuador |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Tenerife) | Spain |
CEU Universidad Cardenal Herrera | Spain |
IE University | Spain |
Universidad Miguel Hernandez- Elche | Spain |
Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Nazareth College | United States |
University Of California, Riverside Extension - UCR | United States |
UTICA College | United States |
Istambul Bilgi Universit | Istanbul |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
European Business School (EBS) | France |
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | France |
ISC Paris-Business School | France |
Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) | Honduras |
Budapest Metropolitan University | Hungary |
Universidad de Colima | Mexico |
Universidad de Monterrey | Mexico |
Universidad La Salle Laguna | Mexico |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos | Mexico |
Universidad del Valle de México | Mexico |
Universidad Interamericana | Panama |
Alianza del Pacifico (Scholarship Program "Pronabec") | Peru |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón | Puerto Rico |
UNAPEC | Dominican Republic |
Stockholm University | Sweden |
EU Business School | Switzerland |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Study one or two terms abroad, paying the tuition from the foreign university:
BITS | Germany |
Kendall College | United States |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
In addition to other study and business trips organized each term by the School of Business.
GRADUATE PROGRAMSUniversidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
IE- Instituto de Empresa | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
EAE | Spain |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Complete your program and obtain a double degree:
DD1: Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
DD2: Florida International University (FIU) | United States |
DD3: Walden University | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
International Exchange Agreements:
Study one or two terms abroad.
BITS (Iserlohn) | Germany |
DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden - Wurttenmberg | Germany |
Deggendorf University | Germany |
EBC Hochschule | Germany |
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Germany |
BSP Business School Berlin - Postdam | Germany |
Unitalo - Centro Universitario Italo Brasilero | Brazil |
UNIFABE | Brazil |
Universidad Federal Fluminense | Brazil |
Faculdade Dos Guararapes | Brazil |
Uninorte | Brazil |
Uniritter | Brazil |
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Brazil |
Universidade Potiguar | Brazil |
Universidade Salvador | Brazil |
University of Alberta | Canada |
McGill University | Canada |
Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile |
Universidad de las Américas | Chile |
Universidad Viña del Mar | Chile |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | China |
Zhejiang International Studies University | China |
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente | Colombia |
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia | Colombia |
Universidad Latina | Costa Rica |
Universidad de las Américas | Ecuador |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Tenerife) | Spain |
IE University | Spain |
CEU Universidad Cardenal Herrera | Spain |
Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya | Spain |
Universidad Antonio de Nebrija | Spain |
Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Universidad Miguel Hernandez - Elche | Spain |
Nazareth College | United States |
Middlebury Institute Of International Studies At Monterey | United States |
UTICA College | United States |
Kendall College | United States |
Istambul Bilgi Universit | Istanbul |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
European Business School (EBS) | France |
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | France |
ISC Paris-Business School | France |
IPAG Business School In France | France |
Han University | The Netherlands |
Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) | Honduras |
Budapest Metropolitan University | Hungary |
Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia | Italy |
Universitá Degli Studi Di Torino | Italy |
The University Of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
Universidad de Colima | Mexico |
Universidad de Monterrey | Mexico |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos | Mexico |
Universidad del Valle de México | Mexico |
Universidad Interamericana | Panama |
Alianza del Pacifico (Scholarship Program "Pronabec") | Peru |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón | Puerto Rico |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
UNAPEC | Dominican Republic |
Stockholm University | Sweden |
EU Business School | Switzerland |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Short programs or summer courses:
Iacocca Institute of Lehigh University | United States |
Kendall College | United States |
Nazareth College | United States |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design | United States |
University of California Irvine | United States |
University of California Riverside | United States |
University of California San Diego | United States |
London School of Economics | United Kingdom |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
In addition to other study and business trips organized each term by the School of Business.
EAE School of Business | Spain |
IE- Instituto de Empresa | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
University of California Riverside | United States |
Da- Domus Academy | Italy |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Complete your program and obtain a double degree:
DD1: Walden University | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
International Exchange Agreements:
Study one or two terms abroad.
Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Germany |
BITS (Iserlohn) | Germany |
International School of Management (ISM) | Germany |
DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden - Wurttenmberg | Germany |
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Germany |
Centro Universitario Italo Brasilero | Brazil |
Unifabe | Brazil |
Universidad Federal Fluminense | Brazil |
Faculdade Dos Guararapes | Brazil |
Uninorte | Brazil |
Uniritter | Brazil |
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Brazil |
Universidade Potiguar | Brazil |
Universidade Salvador | Brazil |
University of Alberta | Canada |
Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile |
Universidad de las Américas | Chile |
Universidad Viña del Mar | Chile |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | China |
Zhejiang International Studies University | China |
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente | Colombia |
Universidad de las Américas | Ecuador |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Tenerife) | Spain |
CEU Universidad Cardenal Herrera | Spain |
IE University | Spain |
Universidad Miguel Hernandez- Elche | Spain |
Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Nazareth College | United States |
UTICA College | United States |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
IPAG Business School In France | France |
EBS European Business School | France |
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | France |
Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) | Honduras |
Budapest Metropolitan University | Hungary |
The University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
Universidad de Colima | Mexico |
Universidad de Monterrey | Mexico |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos | Mexico |
Universidad del Valle de México | Mexico |
Universidad Interamericana | Panama |
Alianza del Pacifico (Scholarship Program "Pronabec") | Peru |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón | Puerto Rico |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
UNAPEC | Dominican Republic |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Short Programs or Study Trips:
Iacocca Institute of Lehigh University | United States |
Kendall College | United States |
Nazareth College | United States |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design | United States |
University of California Irvine | United States |
University of California Riverside | United States |
University of California San Diego | United States |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
Additionally, several study trips organized each term by the School of Business.
EAE | Spain |
IE- Instituto de Empresa | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
University of California, Riverside | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Complete your program and obtain a double degree:
DD1: Walden University | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
International Exchange Agreements:
Study one or two terms abroad.
Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Germany |
BITS (Iserlohn) | Germany |
International School of Management (ISM) | Germany |
DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden - Wurttenmberg | Germany |
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Germany |
UNIFABE | Brazil |
Universidad Federal Fluminense | Brazil |
Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba | Brazil |
Faculdade Dos Guararapes | Brazil |
Uninorte | Brazil |
Uniritter | Brazil |
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi | Brazil |
Universidade Potiguar | Brazil |
Universidade Salvador | Brazil |
University of Alberta | Canada |
Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile |
Universidad de las Américas | Chile |
Universidad Viña del Mar | Chile |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | China |
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente | Colombia |
Universidad Latina | Costa Rica |
Universidad de las Américas | Ecuador |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Valencia) | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Tenerife) | Spain |
CEU Universidad Cardenal Herrera | Spain |
IE University | Spain |
Universidad Miguel Hernandez- Elche | Spain |
Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Nazareth College | United States |
UTICA College | United States |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
IPAG Business School In France | France |
EBS European Business School | France |
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | France |
Universitè; Catholiquè de Lille | France |
Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) | Honduras |
Budapest Metropolitan University | Hungary |
The University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
Universidad de Colima | Mexico |
Universidad de Monterrey | Mexico |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos | Mexico |
Universidad del Valle de México | Mexico |
Universidad Interamericana | Panama |
Alianza del Pacifico (Scholarship Program "Pronabec") | Peru |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón | Puerto Rico |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
UNAPEC | Dominican Republic |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notic
In addition to other study and business trips organized each term by the School of Business.
Iacocca Institute of Lehigh University | United States |
Kendall College | United States |
Nazareth College | United States |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design | United States |
University of California (Irvine) | United States |
University of California (Riverside) | United States |
University of California (San Diego) | United States |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
Universidad Europea (Madrid) | Spain |
IE- Instituto de Empresa | Spain |
Universidad Europea (Canary Islands) | Spain |
University of California (Riverside) | United States |
*In accordance with our continuous update policy, the list of international agreements may vary with no prior notice.
Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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