
Educational and Pedagogical Management

About Educational and Pedagogical Management

We educate professionals through a comprehensive education organized in modules that articulate the fundamentals of the educational field, along with management skills, the intensive use of technology and English, a comprehensive vision of the educational sector, and a solid theoretical and practical education.

Which degree will be obtained?

Bachelor of Education and Pedagogical Management with a specialization in Childhood or Early Childhood.

What will the duration be?

10 academic terms in 5 years.

Where will you be able to study?

San Isidro campus

Area of Application

After studying Educational and Pedagogical Management at UPC, you will be able to work as:

  • Research centers specialized in education.
  • Kindergarten, elementary, secondary, and higher education institutions.
  • Publishing houses.
  • Game design companies.
  • Educational projects mediated by technologies.
  • Development projects in public and private entities, NGOs, etc.
  • Non-formal education: cultural, community projects, etc.
  • Companies dedicated to educational materials, media, telecommunications, etc.
  • Education, training, and talent development areas.
  • Independent consulting and advisory.

Practice your profession
from the start.




The curriculum of Education and Learning Management program includes courses
and workshops that will motivate you to develop your creativity optimally.

    Fundamentos de Educación

    Gestión de Proyectos Educativos

    Estudios Generales


    ESPECIALIDAD A: Niñez Temprana


  • Antropología
  • Comprensión y Producción del Lenguaje 1
  • Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje
  • Procesos Psicológicos y Desarrollo Humano
  • Inglés para Educadores 1
  • Matemática
  • Taller de Creatividad
  • Inteligencia Corporal
  • Neurociencias y Desarrollo Humano
  • Liderazgo para Educadores
  • Inglés para Educadores 2
  • Estadística
  • Educación en la Diversidad
  • Historia y Filosofía de la Educación
  • Inglés para Educadores 3
  • Diagnóstico Educativo en Contextos Urbanos
  • Electivo
  • Seminario Integrado de Investigación
  • Temas de Historia del Perú
  • Corrientes Educativas Contemporáneas
  • Dificultades de Aprendizaje
  • Inglés para Educadores 4
  • Diagnóstico Educativo en Contextos Rurales
  • Ética y Ciudadanía
  • Educación Musical
  • Evaluación de los Aprendizajes
  • Juego, Métodos Activos y Aprendizaje
  • Teorías de la Educación
  • Evaluación de Necesidades Educativas
  • Electivo
  • Didáctica
  • Diseño Curricular
  • Materiales y Recursos para el Aprendizaje (Básico)
  • Planeamiento Educativo
  • Psicomotricidad, Desarrollo y Movimiento
  • Gestión de Equipos y Resolución de Conflictos
  • Desarrollo Personal - Social
  • Tecnologías en la Educación
  • Administración y Gestión Educativa
  • Emprendimiento e Innovación Educativa
  • A-B: Desarrollo de Habilidades Comunicativas
  • B: Arte y Educación
  • Counselling
  • Materiales y Recursos para el Aprendizaje (Avanzado)
  • Gestión y Evaluación de Proyectos
  • A-B: Desarrollo de Habilidades Lógico Matemáticas
  • A-B: Pensamiento Científico y Comprensión del Entorno
  • A-B: Inglés para Educadores
  • Educación Bilingüe Intercultural
  • Seminario de Tesis 1: Temas de Educación Comparada
  • Gestión y Evaluación de la Calidad Educativa
  • Electivo
  • A-B: Practicum 1
  • Políticas, Programas y Proyectos Educativos
  • Seminario de Tesis 2: Temas de Educación del Futuro
  • Electivo
  • Electivo
  • A-B: Seminario Especializado
  • A-B: Practicum 2

A professor’s testimonial while giving a workshop to students

Summary video of the artistic expression done with students.


A professor’s testimonial while giving a workshop to students


Alessia Revilla’s testimonial, program student


Rosario Yrigoyen’s testimonial, program student

Why study Educational and Pedagogical Management at UPC?

UPC evolves and strives to offer the best for its students.

Comprehensive education

We offer a solid training in the competencies a 20th century educator needs: design, facilitation, and learning assessment.

Updated curriculum

We have an updated curriculum with the latest trends in educational innovation and learning management. Our students take intensive English courses from the first term of the program.

Our students do their internships in prestigious educational institutions.

We accompany our students in the selection process to apply for internships in important educational institutions in Lima. When they are admitted, they receive a personal accompaniment program.

Service Learning program

Our students participate in community service activities during their first year of studies.


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among
the following options:

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Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain)


Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (Brazil)


Nazareth College (United States)


Universidad del Valle de México (Mexico)


Universidad del Sagrado Corazón (Puerto Rico)


Universidad de Las Américas (Chile)

"The Education student comments on her experience with the program.”

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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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