

UPC Mention in
Biotechnology and Biomedicine

International agreements with
top universities in the worlduniversidades

equipment and technology

Research and Innovation Center
on the same campus


About the Program

A program that will educate leading professionals in Biology, with a solid scientific and practical training, capable of identifying, proposing and executing solutions to problems of biological origin that affect society. The program will allow you to perform professionally in sectors such as health care, research, innovation, agroindustry, among others.
Further information? Please contact our program Director at the following e-mail address to arrange an appointment:[email protected]

What degree will you obtain?

Bachelor's Degree in Biology

How long does it last?

10 academic terms in 5 years.

Where will you be able to study?

Villa Campus

Area of Application

After studying Biology at UPC, you will be able to perform at a national and international level as:

  • Head of analysis in clinical laboratories
  • Research assistant in Research, Technological Development and Innovation Laboratories (R+D+I)
  • Head of analysis in biotechnological companies, agroindustrial companies, fishing, etc.
  • Assistant in university courses or practice laboratories
  • Analyst or Consultant in regulatory and technological aspects in biological sciences
  • Entrepreneur of your own biotechnology company

Our teaching methodology stands out for its high practical component that will allow you to acquire and improve your skills from the first term.

You will be able to work in all of branches of Biology

Highly equipped campus: Research and Innovation Center, specialized labs and next-generation technology

You will complete the program in 5 years with a finished and defended thesis


In order to guarantee a greater understanding by students and stakeholders, UPC presents the curriculum of the Biology program, comprising the courses that its future professionals will take to achieve optimal preparation. (Curriculum articulated by learning outcomes in PDF)

    General Ed. Studies

    Structure and Function

    Professional Skills

    Fundamentals for Biology

    Behavior and Society



    Collective Management and Health

    Professional Rotations

  • Scientific Information Management and Search
  • Scientific Reasoning
  • Life Diversity on Earth
  • Biology of Microorganisms
  • Personal Leadership
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Physical Processes in Biology
  • The Cellular Universe
  • Cells, Tissues and Bioimages
  • Communication
  • Basic Processes for Biology 2
  • Biomolecules
  • Techniques for Biomelecular Sciences
  • Bioinformatics Tools
  • Lifestyles, Environment and Health
  • Behavior in the Professional Group
  • Bioinformatics Programming Principles
  • How a Phenotype is Built
  • Omic Sciences and Technologies
  • Human and Social Development
  • Principles of Pharmacology
  • Protein Structure and Function
  • Advanced Techniques for Biological Sciences
  • Ethics and Professionalism
  • Tools for Professional Management
  • Plant Structure and Function
  • Great Biotechnological Challenges
  • Integrative Seminar A
  • Scientific Research Methodology
  • Externship Elective 1
  • Animal and Human Structure and Function
  • Great Biomedical Challenges
  • Bioscience Entrepreneurship
  • Molecules and Public Health
  • Externship Elective 2
  • Molecular Fundamentals of Diseases
  • Integrative Seminar B
  • Research Project 1
  • Elective 1
  • Plant and Animal Biotechnology
  • Scientific Writing and Graphic Design
  • Rotation Laboratory A100
  • Research Project 2
  • Elective 2
  • Elective 3
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Nanotechnologies and Medicine
  • Rotation Laboratory B100

New Biology Program

Learn about UPC’s new Biology Program


New Biology Program

Why study Biology at UPC?

Program advantages - RTB’s

Unique Teaching

You will learn the theoretical principles of life, from its molecular bases to how living beings relate with each other and the environment. Our practical learning will allow you to acquire analytical and practical skills from the first term.

Interprofessional Training

You will study with students from the Medicine, Veterinary, Nutrition and Dentistry programs, which will allow you to identify current issues and how to face them from the different angles of Health Sciences.


You will study with a simulation-based learning methodology that will allow you to develop practical skills and test high-risk experimental approaches in a controlled environment with top technology.


You will have an active and practical learning with next-generation technology: virtual and augmented reality, portable molecular biology, DNA sequencers, access to microscopes, simulators, specialized tools and much more.

Research and Innovation

You will develop advanced research skills with rotations in all project groups at the UPC Research and Innovation Center, and you will also be able to complete the program in 5 years with your thesis completed and defended.


You will be able to complement your knowledge with UPC's mention in Biotechnology and Biomedicine, branches of modern Biology at the level of the most advanced countries, reinforcing our commitment to innovation.


You will learn on a highly equipped campus: Research and Innovation Center, specialized laboratories with exponential technologies and much more on the same campus


Live international experiences and in-person or virtual exchanges with universities in the US, Europe and Latin America.


Study one or two terms abroad. You will be able to choose among las
the following options:

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University of Arizona (EEUU)


University of Sheffield (UK)


Sheffield Hallam University (UK)


Rome Tor Vergata (Italia)


Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile)

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Prolongación Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco
Informes: 313-3333 - 610-5030 | Servicio al alumno 630-3333 | Fax: 313-3334
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